Usage: apikeyadd scope={manage|write|read} [lifetime={days}] [cldbid={clientDBID}] Permissions: b_virtualserver_apikey_add b_virtualserver_apikey_manage Description: Creates a new apikey using the specified scope, for the invoking user. The default lifetime of a token is 14 days, a zero lifetime means no expiration. It is possible to create apikeys for other users using `b_virtualserver_apikey_manage.` Parameters: scope : `manage`,`write` or `read` lifetime : integer : lifetime of the token in days; default `14`, `0` means unlimited cldbid : integer : id of owner; Default is invoker Example: apikeyadd scope=manage apikey=AQB8J1sfuvq4wFAFdo6rsfFq+jAQO9asz3zGq5X id=4 sid=0 cldbid=1 scope=read time_left=1209599 error id=0 msg=ok