Usage: serverlist [-uid] [-short] [-all] [-onlyoffline] Permissions: b_serverinstance_virtualserver_list Description: Displays a list of virtual servers including their ID, status, number of clients online, etc. If you're using the -all option, the server will list all virtual servers stored in the database. This can be useful when multiple server instances with different machine IDs are using the same database. The machine ID is used to identify the server instance a virtual server is associated with. The status of a virtual server can be either online, offline, booting up, shutting down or virtual online. While most of them are self-explanatory, virtual online is a bit more complicated. Whenever you select a virtual server which is currently stopped with the -virtual parameter, it will be started in virtual mode which means you are able to change its configuration, create channels or change permissions, but no regular TeamSpeak 3 Client can connect. As soon as the last ServerQuery client deselects the virtual server, its status will be changed back to offline. Parameters: -uid : include `virtualserver_unique_identifier` -short : exclude `VIRTUALSERVER_CLIENTS_ONLINE`, `VIRTUALSERVER_QUERYCLIENTS_ONLINE`, `VIRTUALSERVER_MAXCLIENTS`, `VIRTUALSERVER_UPTIME`, `VIRTUALSERVER_NAME`, `VIRTUALSERVER_AUTOSTART`, `VIRTUALSERVER_MACHINE_ID` -all : list all servers regardless of `VIRTUALSERVER_MACHINE_ID` -onlyoffline : list only servers with status offline Example: serverlist virtualserver_id=1 virtualserver_port=9987 virtualserver_status=online virtualserver_clientsonline=6 ... error id=0 msg=ok